Hearts of iron 4 german tech tree
Hearts of iron 4 german tech tree

The various icon(s) listed in the lower left below the name are the practical and theory areas that will help in researching that particular tech. The numbers in the circles indicate how easy a tech is to research ranging from 1-10, with 1 being the easiest and 10 being the most difficult. These areas that are being researched are, Nav Torps, Hd-Fd Radio, Sub Hulls, Sub Sonar, and Sub anti air warning. As is shown below, I am researching 5 areas in this area as indicated by the magnifing glass displayed in each of these areas. The screen below is the Escorts section of the tech section in Jan 1940 for Germany. This is all done with version 1.3, using both the DiDay's mod (with the land bridge fixes) and mapmap 1.3 mod. After doing so, here are the findings in order to help others who may have the same issues. Understanding the tech screen was somewhat of a challenge so time was spent trying to figure it out.

Hearts of iron 4 german tech tree