Improved Graphics! - The map has never looked so good.
Prevent enemies crossing the Misty Mountains, holding the High Pass, or protecting the caverns of Moria.
Prevent Mordor from crossing the Anduin by holding Cair Andros and Osgiliath, keeping the lands of the west safe.
Strategic Chokepoints! - Hold down Isengard at the Gap of Rohan, securing the Fords of Isen and protecting Foldburg.
Lore Accurate! - The geography of Middle-earth has never been so accurately represented in a game! From the shape of the world to the heights of mountains, from the trees in Lorien to the climate of Middle-earth, experience the world like it should be.
Hundreds of hours have been spent making sure this map works and looks like the world its based in.
Remade to the Core! - The map has been made from scratch, with a completely new heightmap based on the official map of Middle-earth.